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  • Writer's pictureSO Health-E

Are You On the Oregon Health Plan (OHP)? Here's what you need to know:

Updated: May 2, 2023

This is a visual guide to staying covered as the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Ends. All images have alt text. The Spanish version can be found here. You can also view or share this on Instagram or Facebook.

Light blue background, dark blue text box, light blue circle, graphic of a medical chart on a clipboard, graphic of doctor giving a high five to young child (patient), SO Health-E logo, and text that says “Are you on the Oregon Health Plan? Watch your mailbox for important information to stay covered.”

Light blue background, dark blue text box, white text box, graphic of a doctor with a child patient, yellow highlighted text, SO Health-E logo, and text that says “Normally, states review the financial eligibility of members annually, but during the Covid-19 pandemic, the federal government encouraged states to keep members insured so that more people had access to basic medical care during this global health crisis. Medicaid, known as the Oregon Health Plan in Oregon (OHP), provides free medical, behavioral health and dental coverage. The extra federal benefits have now ended, forcing Oregon to review the income of their OHP members. This is called redetermination.”

Light blue background, white text box, graphic of a white envelope surrounded by a green circle, graphic of two doctors with a pregnant patient, yellow highlighted text, SO Health-E logo, and text that says “Important Reminders to Keep You and Your Family Covered. All households on OHP will get a renewal notice, usually a letter in the mail, over the next 10 months. The notice will tell you what you need to do. Be sure to update OHP if your mailing address or phone number changes, open and read any letters from the Oregon Health Authority, and respond to any request for information as soon as possible.”

White background, two blue text boxes, graphic of a heart with a + encompassed by two hands, graphic of a doctor taking the pulse of an adult patient, yellow highlighted text, SO Health-E logo, and text that says “What happens if I no longer qualify for OHP? Those who no longer qualify for coverage will have 60 days before their benefits end. During that time, they’ll receive information from the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace about buying coverage. The marketplace is the only way to receive financial help to pay for health insurance.”

White background, blue text box, graphic of two people sitting down on chairs with one person lightly tapping person (in support) who has their head down and looks to be in anguish, graphic of a medical chart on a clipboard, yellow highlighted text, a QR code, SO Health-E logo, and text that says “Check your OHP status and update your information through this link: questions about the OHP application call: 800-699-9075For questions about coverage call:” 800-273-0557

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