Governor Brown and OHA launch Safe + Strong outreach campaign in 12 languages
To get through COVID-19 together, all of us need access to information and resources that allow us to be safe, healthy and strong. This crisis has been particularly challenging for people who already face barriers to health and well-being, including our family, friends and neighbors who don't have access to life-saving information in the language they speak.
Governor Kate Brown and OHA launched the Safe + Strong campaign. Safe + Strong will support communities in Oregon through partnerships with community organizations and outreach in 12 languages.
The priority audiences of this campaign include: - seasonal and migrant farmworkers; - immigrants and refugees; - BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) - people who speak a language other than English - Oregon residents with chronic health conditions; - hourly wage essential workers; and - older residents.
The campaign includes a website with culturally relevant information in 12 languages (Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Hmong, Somali, Chuukese, Marshallese and English) and a community engagement and technical assistance effort to support community organizations in reaching and assisting Oregon residents across the state.